

Za FESTUNIT 2008 smo določili sledeči razpored:

– Festival je trajal dva dni (19. in 20. aprila 2008) v »ROG-u« (nekdanji ljubljanski tovarni koles),

– sodelovale so štiri skupine: Hipercloridria (španska gledališka skupina, Ljubljana), Les Théâtreux (francoska gledališka skupina, Ljubljana), Le Théâtre sans fil (francoska gledališka skupina, Zagreb) in Lusco-Fusco (portugalska gledališka skupina, Zagreb),

– v soboto popoldan in zvečer so se na odru zvrstile štiri predstave, v nedeljo dopoldan pa so potekale gledališke delavnice pod vodstvom nekoga iz vsake skupine;

– vsi obroki so bili postreženi v različnih ljubljanskih restavracijah, skupini iz Hrvaške pa sta bili nastanjeni v mladinskem hotelu (Celica, Metelkova Mesto).


Odzivi na prvi festival so bili zelo pozitivni, tako s strani sodelujočih, kot tudi s strani gledalcev. Študenti so organizacijo zelo dobro vzeli v roke, cel konec tedna pa je vladalo ozračje tesnega prijateljstva. Celotna ekipa FESTUNIT-a 2008 je bila tako nemudoma pripravljena izkušnjo ponoviti tudi naslednje leto.


The first edition of the festival was organized as follows:

– 2 days of festival (19th and 20th april 2008), in ROG » (ancient manufactury of bicycles in Ljubljana),

– 4 participating groups: Hipercloridria (group of  students of spanish,Ljubljana), Les Théâtreux (group of students of french, Ljubljana), Le Théâtre sans fil (group of students of french, Zagreb) and Lusco-Fusco (group of students of portuguese, Zagreb),

– 4 plays on saturday afternoon and in the evening and on sunday morning workshops leaded by the leaders of the groups;

– all the meals were taken together in different restaurants in Ljubljana and our croatian friends have been accomodated in a hostel (Celica, Metelkova Mesto.)

The impressions on this first edition were very positive, as much for the participants as for the exterior spectators. The students have taken the organisation very seriously and a nice atmosphere had reigned during the week-end.

The team that has worked on the FESTUNIT 2008 has therefor have been challenged to organized a new edition!

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